Roseate Tern and 22 Manxies passed Whitburn Obs by 9am this morning. Saint Mark beat me in by a mile(id been Nightjaring), and we were joined by Magic Mark, Stevie Thunder and Stoney was in the house. Its a hot sunny day and the sea was calm so birds were hard to find but we still had a hat full. The golden moment was when 11, yes eleven Mute Swans silently went south close inshore. This was the biggest ever day count for this scarce sea wathcing species
I left early to go and open my birthday presents and prepare the back garden for the immanent arrival of 5 Grand kids. The guys had an Arctic Skua north after i left
This is what we saw in order of appearance
Sunday 22nd May 04.25-09.00 SW1-2 very little cloud
Sandwich Tern 24n 465s
Arctic Tern 13n 5s
Puffin 18n 13s
Common Gull 5n 5s
Red th Diver 4n 11s
Gannet 82n 63s
Common Tern 38n 20s
Ringed Plover 12n
Common Scoter 3n 6s
Dunlin 14n
Eider 2n 2s
Black h Gull 1n 2s
Greylag Goose 2s
Mute Swan 11s 05.30
Manx Shearwater 15n 7s
Goosander 1s
LBBGull 1s
Shelduck 2s
Tufted Duck 4s
Porpoise 2n
Shag 1n 1s
Swallow 2s
Curlew 1s
Roseate Tern 1n
Turnstone 4n 1s
Little Tern 1n