Sunday, 2 April 2017

They're back......

19 Sandwich Terns passed Whitburn Obs by 10.05 this morning. We can officially say that Sarnies are back! and i will be counting them every day which is great news just another 6 species of Tern required then....
Saint Mark joined me and later Hoggie and Walter and it was another action packed day with loads of birds passing. The year ticks kept coming with a Brambling over. When i heard a warbler like contact call i asked Mark to investigate as i am sandwiched in the middle of the Obs furthest from a door, he shouted Coal Tit and i was up and out in a shot all evidence of a bad leg gone. So already the year list is on 116.
This is what we saw in order of appearance

Sunday 2nd April 06.05-10.05 N1 4/8

Cormorant 22n 39s
Common Gull 214n 13s
Eider 7n 8s
Wigeon 2n
Curlew 56s
Grey Wagtail 1s
Yellowhammer 1
Common Scoter 16n 9s
Goldcrest 1 in off
Porpoise 2n 1s
Alba Wagtail 1n 4s
Kestrel 2
Sandwich Tern 18n 1s
Red th Diver 1n 5s
Ringed Plover 4n
Gannet 8n 2s
Oyster Catcher 1n
Greylag Goose 1n 2s
Sanderling 9n
Sand Martin 4n 2s
Meadow Pipit 4s
Chiffchaff 1
Shag 3n
Iceland Gull 1 on range 2nd w
Sparrowhawk 3 up together
Black h Gull 1n
Kittiwake 235 in 15 mins
Redshank 15s
Turnstone 15s
Teal 1n
Coal Tit 1 get in!
Brambling 1