Common Scoter numbers are at last beginning to increase and it was amusing that Rob called three different flocks of ducks coming north that all had 13 in the flock, bakers dozen...
This is hat we saw in order of appearance
Wednesday 12th April o5.55-09.45 W3 8/8
Common Gull 183n 32s
Eider 1n 15s
Common Scoter 69n 14s
Gannet 24n 8s
Black h Gull 3n 10s
Sandwich Tern 10n 29s
Turnstone 14n 6s
Shag 2n
Redshank 6s
Teal 2n
Long tailed Duck 1s
Red th Diver 3n 1s
Velvet Scoter 1n
Porpoise 1n
Bottlenose Dolphin-12n 06.40-06.55 then 8n 07.10-07.15