Saturday, 8 April 2017

Common as muck....

8 Velvet Scoter and 30 Sandwich Terns passed Whitburn Obs on this mornings early watch. Saint Mark joined me and later Pink Floyd. Common Gull numbers have been building up all week and today it went crazy. I logged over 800 the second largest count ever. Its still well behind the record count set last year on the 17th April of 1611....hope I'm not counting the day they peak.
This is what we saw in order of appearance

Saturday 8th April 06.00-09.35 W2 0/8

Common Gull 868n 8s
Red th Diver 3n 2s
Cormorant 31n 52s
Common Scoter 30n 5s
Black h Gull 7n 1s
Turnstone 9s
Redshank 3n 1s
Sandwich Tern 14n 16s
Alba Wagtail 4n 3s
Eider 13n 10s
Shelduck 1s
Gannet 4n 5s
Grey Heron 2n 1s
Sand Martin 3n 7s
Willow Warbler 1
Shag 8n
Meadow Pipit 42 in off
Velvet Scoter 8n