Wednesday, 31 May 2017

Tough love.........

Bottlenose Dolphins put on a show at Whitburn Obs early morning on a poor day for birds. Bright sun/wrong wind/no birds....yes these are the days you have to tough it out. The good news is that something usually happens and it did today. I had hardly sat down when the Bottlenose Dolphins motored north but showed well. Next the local Fox went passed pursued by Crows and Magpies with a Grey Squirrel in its mouth (first reported as Rabbit but re id'd from video). Stoney was in the house but arrived after all that fun.
He tells me that once again we are accused of suppression. A local birder who's name i don't know is bending anyones ear in the north and south of the County to complain about our suppression. If he bends yours please send him my way with his grievance i am in the Obs daily from about 5am.
If he can tell me any site or organisation in our area that puts out more information than us guys at Whitburn Obs i would like to hear about it
As you all know i tweet news as it happens (just after 5 am today). RBA forward my sightings as and when after 7am when they open for business. Rob sends out the news on the DBC Whatsapp site. In addition all Obs sightings are updated to Trektellen daily. I do a regular blog about our sightings and the Obs has a log book.
I suggest he spends some time in the Obs if he wants to enjoy our sightings... all are welcome (well nearly)
This is what we saw today in order of appearance

Wednesday 31st May 05.00-08.15 NW1-2 1/8

Bottlenose Dolphin circa 12 north close inshore between 05.05-05.15
Common Tern 2n 4s
Sandwich Tern 25n 31s
Gannet 84n 10s
Puffin 3n 1s
Common Scoter 11n 25s
Arctic Tern 10n 8s
Shelduck 1n
Manx Shearwater 7n 1s
Swallow 3s
Black h Gull 7n 2s
Red th Diver 1s
Common Gull 3s
Sand Martin 1n
Fox 1w with squirrel