16 Black tailed Godwits and 80 Knot went south past Whitburn Obs today on a good wader passage day. Saint Mark joined me and i was glad for his help, the light was poor and we had heat haze so identifying all those waders was a daunting task.
Despite the light we enjoyed our watch but sadly both of us had to head to work. This is what we saw in order of appearance
Wednesday 20th July 04.45-07.30 SE2 cloud 6/8
Manx Shearwater 22n 20s
Black tailed Godwit 16s
Knot 80s
Dunlin 35s
Black h Gull 14n 4s
Common Gull 2n 4s
Arctic Tern 12n 17s
Common Scoter 279n 52s
Redshank 34s
Puffin 13n 4s
Sanderling 17s
Common Tern 13n 3sSandwich Tern 6n 90s
Arctic Skua 1s
Golden Plover 1s
Shoveler 2n
Curlew 1as
Teal 11n 3s
Wigeon 1n
Whimbrel 2n 2s
Swift 1s
Turnstone 5s